LH Sport Deportistas

The overall advisory services we offer to our clients cover the wide range of scenarios which may arise in professional and personal lives:

  • Legal Advice.

    For contracts, examining all sports contracts and analysing the possible contingencies which may arise.

    For tax matters, providing an efficient tax structure with plans that not only focus on generation of wealth, but also more importantly on wealth maintenance and management.

  • Sporting Advice.

    For representation, taking charge of contract renewals or searching for a new team for players, as well as negotiating contracts.

    Continual analysis of the characteristics of each player and their fitness and club, constantly looking out for a way to improve the player’s situation.

  • Media Advice.

    Promotion of the public image of the sportsperson and management of its relationship with the communication media.

    Including negotiation and searching for sponsorships.

  • Personal Advice.

    Offering coaching aimed at non-professional aspects of a sportsperson such as self-fulfilment.

LH Sport Clubes

The overall advisory services we offer to individuals covers:

  • Legal Advice.

    For contracts, examining all club's contracts and analysing the possible contingencies which may arise.

    For commercial matters, covering all aspects from formations, mergers or splits and any other business modifications.

    For accounting matters, exhaustive control of the company’s accounting ledgers as well as all treasury movements within the accounts.

    For tax matters, providing the most convenient tax structure in any given scenario.

  • Sporting Advice.

    Provision of selected, structured and organised staff based on the characteristics of the club in question, carrying out a feasible project for the future.

    Scouting is also achieved through the vast network of Company supporters.

    In terms of transfers or handovers, we also perform a mediation service between clubs and clubs or players from the same or different countries.

  • Media Advice.

    Promotion of club image, as well as running of campaigns aimed at attracting more members.

    Advisory services on how the club should address different institutions within its province.

    Handling of communications between clubs and the media (television, press, Internet).